Monday, September 24, 2012

Procedure 10-2 UPDATED

  • During class, the class went outside and measured off a 100 square meter area within the forested area of the campus
  • Teams then picked out six trees that seemed to be a profitable size out of the area measured off
  • Students identified the six trees' species using a guide book
  • The trees were then measured using a clinometer and recorded this information (the top and bottom angles, the difference between the two angles, the circumference, etc)
  • The class then prepared to determine the price of each tree using the information collected
  • Students calculated the prices of each tree and were given the prices of each tree from other classes
  • With the ARCGis software, each team measured the approximate size of Huntington High School's campus in order to estimate a price for the entirety of the timber
  • Using the information gathered from the ARCGis software and the measurements from each class, the students came up with an approximate price for the campus
  • Most measurements within the class were flawed, which was due to the lack of accuracy using the clinometers, the overly generalized area (400 square meters is not enough to determine the price of the entire campus), and the confusion using the ARCGis software.