Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Things our team did well:

  • We worked together and helped each other out throughout the assignment. We each carried an even workload.
  • Each member of the group knew our strengths and weaknesses as students; for example, if one person was not skilled using Excel, someone else was willing to take on that responsibility according to our own skills.
  • Everyone worked at a decent pace and no one slacked off.
Things our team could improve upon:
  • When measuring the trees, we were completely unorganized and the entire procedure was all over the place. Next time, we need to work better together when collecting this information.
  • None of us knew how to use the ARCGis software, so we put that off for a while because no one wanted to figure it out (even I am guilty of this).
  • We should have been more thorough when dealing with the flaws in our project; I will admit I had no idea what I was doing so a lot of the information was somewhat crazy and we did not want to take the time to redo the entire assignment. However, we are just high school students, not scientists, so I suppose error was bound to occur anyway.
In general, I enjoyed this project more than I disliked it and our group worked well together.